Thursday, November 6, 2008

the next day ...

these are computer entries from the 14th of October:

Today I will be typing.

In the lower right corner of the wall mural is the sleeping form of a woman. It is a simple form like matisse or a number of the better known muralists of Mexico. She is r2eclined against a tree. Her hair is draped down her body covering the bare body; the vreasts and tracing the edges of her body. her arms are pulled together in front of her and the fingers are interlocked. Her head gently lulls to her right.

I sit here staring at a blackscape - and a vlinding light peaking under the bottom of the covering. There is an empty stilness to the house. It is an inaccurate exaggeration of realithy of being the only individual in the house.

12:00 noonish

that that vexes You
that You identify with
These walls that shape the harbor from the soound waves of the outside world.quiet.
I heard Him breathing and opened the door. He spoke and I assured Him that I was simply verifying that He was there.


I am hoping that Devember in Denver is the honing of Love. like I could feel the warmth in winter. likee my hands would hold others than my own. like this city would care for itself , its own with unashamed abundanve.

like I could see its brilliance for the lights.
He beats his brest and wails
"Why don't Yu love Me?"

So the plan being considered was to go outside across the lawn and feel for a car in an attempt to verify if aparticular person was still here inside the house with Me. The plan never sounded that effective or appealing. So, instead I walked out into the hall and listened; becoming very

--end of entry---
I hope You have a great day.